It seems that life is just like a wine that keeps getting better. What a year! It has contained a ridiculous amount of work on several startups that have begun bearing fruits, an amazing amount of travels (over 30 countries) and a hell lot of bucket list fun and accomplished life goals.
Celebrate the Year that’s Passed
I always make a somewhat “chronological photo-video” at the end of the year to celebrate the year that has ended. I believe it is an important thing that more people ought to do in this “goal-oriented, constantly future-focused” society we live in.
This video below got quite long so if you don’t bother to watch it all then that’s perfectly fine. What I rather want to convey and encourage is for you to do something similar — make a scrapbook/video/collage/photo wall etc. of your precious moments of 2016.
So, while I hope to aspire, this video’s intended audience is more or less myself — as it’s the perfect tool to counter those inevitable days of feeling blue and it gives me an immense amount of happiness and pride. Life is short and I reckon we ought to celebrate our achievements, experiences etc. and never taking anything for granted. Treasure the past — live in the moment.
My 2017:
2017 for me is going to greatly revolve around giving back and helping others. Giving back to loved ones and friends who’s always been there, and giving back to society in many different ways. This year you’ll see me doing a lot more volunteer work and you’ll see me working on a number of social businesses that seeks to do good and make the world a better place.
In 2017 I’ll also become a much blogger with more regular posts and valuable content to you!
And ohh, obviously I got lots of bucket list items for this new year, ranging from completing a marathon, riding bobsleigh, conquer a high mountain, + many professional targets and lots of smaller quirky goals – more about that here on my blog later.
I can’t wait to see what the new year will bring.
Hope you all will have an amazing 2017!
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