“Mini-vacations” some call it. A “breathing break”, some might say. Procrastination? Well, workaholics may term it that. Regardless, research has shown that small breaks, where we close out everything external and just let us be with our own thoughts, can significantly both boost productivity as well as happiness. Continue reading Sign Out From the World a Few Minutes, Revolutionize Your Day
Why You Need to Forget About Perfection
A major reason to why we procrastinate is because many of us are perfectionists. We refrain from making decisions or starting a project because we feel that every choice we make and action we do must be perfect. As such, we look for the perfect job, the perfect place to live in, the perfect project… Continue reading Why You Need to Forget About Perfection
I Quit Blogging & Social Media for 4 Months: The “Why” & The Unexpected Results
So, normally on my blog I’ve tended to write more or less strictly about things that would come to the benefit of you without ever necessarily going into much detail about myself — besides my two cents on various attractions and bucket list items etc. This time though, we’re going a bit deeper. In fact,… Continue reading I Quit Blogging & Social Media for 4 Months: The “Why” & The Unexpected Results
The 14 Answers to All Your Time Management Problems
Here, I will outline some of the most effective solutions to common time management and procrastination issues — and to become more effective and have more time to do what you really want to do, as opposed to what you just have to do. Following the nature of time management and efficiency, it only makes sense to keep this article brief and to the point — but nonetheless valuable. Continue reading The 14 Answers to All Your Time Management Problems