We rented a car for a day to have some different type of fun and experience for our anniversary – and Polly had recently gotten her driving license! Continue reading ✓ Renting a “Sports” Car in Hong Kong
✓ Create a book showing how much you love your significant other
I loooooooooove showing my appreciation to my family around me, and inspired by mum, it has been amazing to create some sweet heartfelt books for people close to me. Continue reading ✓ Create a book showing how much you love your significant other
What Filter Do You See the World Through?
Most of us like to think that we have a relatively rational and impartial outlook on the world around us. We’ll often claim that we hold the same values, attitudes and behaviour every day. But is it really like that? We all know that when a person becomes really angry or frightened then there’s a… Continue reading What Filter Do You See the World Through?
15+ Romantic Experiences Around the World
Some of the most romantic experiences you could ever have around the world. Maybe these will act as an inspiration to you and your boyfriend/girlfriend? Continue reading 15+ Romantic Experiences Around the World
Ask Yourself These Questions Every Day
It is easy to fall into the trap of measuring your productivity simply by the ever-growing to-do list. However, there are many other useful ways to evaluate your day that a to-do list fails “to do” (pun intended). Among others, ask yourself these questions at the end of the day: Continue reading Ask Yourself These Questions Every Day